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Rubidium clock 8200 reinforced seismic atomic clock

Rubidium clock 8200 reinforced seismic atomic clock

Rubidium clock 8200 is specially designed for all environment applications, while maintaining the accuracy and stability of rubidium clock itself. Its excellent phase noise and stability performance can support advanced communication, navigation system and other applications.
Rubidium clock 8200 is specially designed for all environment applications, while maintaining the accuracy and stability of rubidium clock itself. Its excellent phase noise and stability performance can support advanced communication, navigation system and other applications. Rubidium clock 8200 is a reinforced seismic rubidium clock developed based on the tracking data of rubidium clock and OCXO technology for more than 30 years. These technologies ensure the excellent frequency stability of the clock in various adverse working environments. It is widely used in ship, vehicle, airborne, missile borne, advanced communication, navigation and positioning systems.

Product overview:

*10MHz output   * Full tightness   * Impact / vibration reinforcement   * Digital monitoring   *< 1 inch height * optional 5MHz output.

Main features:

☆ initial frequency accuracy: < 5e-11 (@ 25 ℃)

☆ full sealing design

☆ phase noise index:






☆ aging rate: monthly aging rate: < &plusmn; 5e-11

☆ short term stability index: < 3e- 11@1s

<1E- 11@10s

<3E- 12@100s

☆ temperature characteristic: < 3e-10 (- 40 ℃ ~ 80 ℃)

☆ anti vibration index of rubidium clock 8200 (in accordance with American military standard 810)   514.5, step I)

Operating state: category 24, minimum integrity, 7.7g (root mean square) @ 0.04g2 Hz   20hz-1khz, 15min / axis (keep locked);

Non operating state: category 24, minimum integrity, 15.4g (root mean square value) @ 0.16g2/hz   20hz-1khz, 30 minutes / axis.

☆ impact resistance index of rubidium clock 8200 (in accordance with American military standard 202)   213)

Working state: < 11ms 30g non sine wave (keep locked)

Non working state: < 11ms 50g non sine wave

上一篇:Prs10 low noise rubidium oscillator

下一篇:Sa.3xm rubidium oscillator





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